Day One of Training 02/07/2012

Well, day one of Schneider orientation went by with ease. A pretty cool instructor named Juan is training our class of 30 some trainees. Got settled in this morning, went over some basic rules and overview, and then got into the paperwork. There was a decent amount of papers to fill out, and could have been done a lot quicker if we wouldn’t have had to do it all together, but I certainly don’t have any complaints.

The PWS (Pre-Work Screen) turned out to be a breeze, too, as I figured. Just the basic blood pressure/heart rate test, and then the different exercises that we had to do. Nothing to worry about for most guys (and one girl!), but it definitely is smart of Schneider to do a thorough screening before putting us behind the wheel of an 18 wheeler.

Was back in the hotel room (which I still have all to myself, for now at least) before 12:30, so a nice afternoon of resting and whatnot before the real training begins tomorrow at 7am.

Don’t actually get hired until Friday 2/10, but assuming that everything from now till then goes well, it should be official on Friday that I am truly a pumpkin driver!

So far, everything at Schneider has definitely fulfilled my expectations, and I am excited to be starting a career with them.

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